Angkor Wat  Race for the Iris  The Tomb Of Seth  Burial Chambers  Valley of the Kings  KV5  Temple Of Karnak  Great Hypostyle Hall  Sacred Lake  Tomb of Semerkhet  Guardian of Semerkhet  Desert Railroad  Alexandria  Coastal Ruins  Pharos, Temple of Isis  Cleopatra's Palaces  Catacombs  Temple of Poseidon
 The Lost Library  Hall of Demetrius  City of the Dead  Trenches  Chambers of Tulun  Street Bazar  Citadel Gate  Citadel  The Sphinx Complex  Underneath the Sphinx  Menkaures Pyramid  Inside Menkaures Pyramid  The Mastabas  The Great Pyramid  Khufu's Queens Pyramid  Inside the Great Pyramid  Temple of Horus  The Times Exclusive level

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